World Largest Library Millions Of Books Available In Hundreds Of Languages

Books are man’s best friend. However, in the digital world, people are now giving less importance to books and more importance to e-books through computers and mobiles. Despite this, there is still no dearth of book lovers across the world. These are those book lovers, who cannot find real peace without going to the peace of the library and reading books. For such book lovers, we are going to tell about those big libraries of the world, which have more than 10 crore books.

British Library, London

If we talk about the world’s largest library, then the British Library located in Boston, London comes first. About 20 crore books and other documents are present in it. For this reason, it is the national library of the United Kingdom (UK) and the largest library in the world. Earlier this library used to be a part of the British Museum. It was established in 1973. Books, manuscripts, newspapers, maps, stamps, music records etc. are available in the library. The British Library has materials in more than 300 languages.

Library of Congress

After this comes the Library of Congress located in Washington, America. It was established in the year 1800. It is also called a research library, which works as the Library of the US Congress. This is the oldest federal cultural institute in the country. Books from all over the world are available here in more than 470 languages. If we look at its collection, there are about 18 crore books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, films and music records, which are stored in 1349 km long shelves. It is said that about 3000 people work in this library.

National Library of Canada

The third largest library in the world is the National Library of Canada, which is located in Ottawa. About 19 crore books are present here. It was established in 1953. The purpose of establishing it was to preserve Canada’s heritage in the form of written documents and photographs. This country is adjacent to America, hence the oldest books of America are also found here.

read this also – In this country, passports are also made for birds, flight tickets are also booked.

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